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Prezzo scontato€542,34

Aeratron AE+3 tri blade al white
AERATRON Serie AE+3 Prezzo scontato€542,34
LAMAS Tri-Blade (3)
DIMENSIONI 109cm 126cm 152cm
PORTATA D'ARIA A BASSA/ALTA VELOCITÀ (M3/MIN) 42.1/125.9 57.7/177.1 83.6/260.7
EFFICIENZA (M3/MIN/WATT) 8.9 9.4 11.1
ALTEZZA DEL VENTILATORE 27.5cm 27.5cm 27.5cm
VELOCITÀ/MINUTO (MIN/MAX) 61/181 60/180 56/152
DIMENSIONI DEL BOX 24.5 x 16.5 x 15 * *
PESO NETTO 5,5 5,7 6,5
STELLA ENERGETICA Most Efficient 2024 Most Efficient 2024 Most Efficient 2024
CLASSIFICAZIONE Feuchtigkeit Feuchtigkeit Feuchtigkeit

Dichiarazione silenziosa per la tua casa


I ventilatori da soffitto Aeratron sono 6 volte più silenziosi dei ventilatori da soffitto convenzionali e più di 15 decibel più silenziosi rispetto al nostro diretto concorrente. Attiriamo l'attenzione su di noi con le nostre prestazioni e non disturbiamo la vostra concentrazione. Il nostro sistema brevettato di autobilanciamento, sviluppato in Svizzera, mantiene le pale in un equilibrio stabile e aerodinamico e impedisce l'oscillazione sbilanciata dei tradizionali ventilatori da soffitto.

*Percezione del suono dell'AE+3 a velocità media rispetto ai ventilatori da soffitto convenzionali

Grande potenziale di risparmio


Risparmia sul raffrescamento d'estate e sul riscaldamento d'inverno! Massimizza l'efficienza del tuo sistema di riscaldamento facendo circolare l'aria più calda dal soffitto nella stanza con la nostra funzione invernale. Goditi gli stessi risparmi in estate, quando le nostre esclusive pale bidimensionali e tridimensionali scaricano l'aria calda in modo da poter spegnere l'aria condizionata prima o saltarla del tutto.

Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Dirk S.
Aeratron AE+3

Wirklich toller und effektiver Ventilator. Der Preis ist gerechtfertigt, da Qualität und Design überzeugen. Habe und Wifi-Kit direkt mitbestellt und neben der perfekten und schnellen Lieferung, war der Aufbau und Installation sehr einfach. Die Einbindung mir Alexa klappt auch wunderbar, das einzige ist das Alexa keinen Sprachbefehl für die Geschwindigkeit annimmt, was ich als einziges Manko sehe. Licht an und aus per Sprache und Alexa kein Problem, aber leider nicht der Ventilator. Bitte das noch nachbessern. In der Alexa-app ist dies alles steuerbar, aber halt nicht per Sprache. Würde das Produkt aber wieder kaufen.

Super ventilateur. Un silence parfait et facile à installer. BRAVO.

Un silence parfait et un montage simple.


Super leise, perfekte Anleitung und einfache Montage.
Nicht ganz billig, aber ich kann ihn ohne Einschränkung empfehlen.

Maria Veronika Surboeck
Here's to a fresh breeze . . .

I'm overjoyed to have two of these fantastic ceiling fans.

They were delivered about a month ago after I asked Mark Mücke to clarify a few points.
Mark, who works in the Munich office, was really helpful when it came to purchase decisions as well as installation of the two fans.

The first one we installed functioned perfectly well, making no noise at all. It isn't that hard; all you need is some reading, skilled craftsmanship, and patience.

Given that, we naturally accelerated the installation of the second one, I suppose it was a confidence boost. As it turned out, there was a small cracking sound when starting the fan, but it ceased as soon as the engine started, although I could still hear a bit of wind noise.
So I reached out to Mark again, and this time he gave us some very astute suggestions about what to look for. We completed it today, and the second one now functions flawlessly as well. My advice, as mentioned before, patience, and precision.

Excellent product and customer service; I can only suggest it to anyone looking for ceiling fans that are not only stylish but also economical and noise-free.

Wendy Dr. Williams
Excellent Customer service from Mark Muecke

The Aeratron is an excellent fan. It is stylish and the white version blends in well with the ceiling so even the largest fan, 152 cm, is not outstanding in the room. The most impressive feature is that the fan is very quiet on the first setting, so quiet that even I (highly noise sensitive, particularly at night) can sleep with the fan on.
We bought our 3rd fan for a 3rd room from Mark Muecke in Munich and this is where the 5th star is earned. Mark was extremely helpful and patient with my questions. He offers top notch service and I highly recommend his service for all your Aeratron needs. Thank you, Mark!